Are You Ready for Cataract Surgery?
Cataract surgery is a common procedure performed to improve vision affected by cataracts. But how do you know when a cataract is ready for surgery? The presence of a cataract alone may not necessarily require immediate surgical intervention, as it may or may not cause...
Different Causes of Swollen Optic Nerves
Swollen optic nerves can have significant implications for vision, leading to reduced visual acuity, enlarged blind spots, and other associated symptoms. Usually identified during an eye examination, whether as the primary reason for the visit or incidentally, a...
Is a Retinal Detachment an Eye Emergency?
A retinal detachment is a very severe eye condition that requires immediate treatment to achieve the best possible outcome. When symptoms of a retinal detachment arise, it is important to seek care quickly so that a diagnosis can be made and the necessary treatment...
Glaucoma Tests During an Eye Exam
Glaucoma is a chronic eye condition that can eventually lead to vision loss and blindness. While there are treatment options available, there is no definitive cure for glaucoma. The treatment for glaucoma is monitored closely to evaluate for potential worsening of the...
Causes of Neovascularization in the Eye
Neovascularization is the growth of new blood vessels in response to damage or disease. The issue with neovascularization is that these new vessels can leak or break, causing significant harm to the eyes and their function. Neovascularization can occur in various...
6 Interesting Things About Macular Degeneration
Macular degeneration, also known as age-related macular degeneration, is a condition that affects the retina in the back of the eye. This serious condition is the leading cause of blindness in people over the age of 50 in the United States. There are several risk...
How Much Do YOU Know about Glaucoma?
Glaucoma is a prolonged eye disease that can lead to blindness, affecting millions worldwide. Eye drops are the traditional mode of treatment for this condition, but recent developments in surgical procedures offer additional options that can be just as effective....
4 Things To Know About Irvine Gass Syndrome
Cataract surgery is a common and safe procedure that removes the cloudy lens from the eye, which can improve vision. However, like any surgical procedure, complications can occur in some cases. Irvine Gass Syndrome or Cystoid Macular Edema (CME) is one such...
4 Things To Know About Cataract Surgery
When considering whether or not to pursue cataract surgery, it is important to understand that the procedure does not cause any substantial pain during or after surgery. The surgery is done under conscious sedation through an IV and often there will be a valium or...
3 Things To Know About Implantable Collamer Lens (ICL)?
For those who want to have refractive surgery but are not a good candidate for LASIK, PRK, or SMILE, implantable collamer lens surgery offers a way to reduce the dependence on glasses or contact lenses. Unlike other refractive surgeries that alter the shape of the...
Can You Get LASIK Twice?
After having LASIK refractive surgery, there are some instances where glasses will still be needed after the surgery. In these cases, it may be desirable to repeat the LASIK procedure a second time to “touch up” the remaining prescription. Typically, traditional LASIK...
Can Eyelid Surgery Improve Your Vision?
Most of the time, eyelid surgery is considered cosmetic surgery as there is no medical reason for performing the procedure. However, in cases where the vision is impacted or eye health is affected by the eyelid changes, eyelid surgery can be performed under medical...