What is a Diabetic Eye Exam?

What is a Diabetic Eye Exam?

There are many conditions that can be found during an eye examination, and diabetes is a notable and relatively common example. We screen for this at our clinic and can diagnose and manage it as necessary. We perform complete eye examinations and have the advanced...

The Basics of Glaucoma

The Basics of Glaucoma

Glaucoma is a disease that damages the optic nerve fibers at the back of the eye that connect retinal cells to the brain for vision to occur. This damage leads to a loss of peripheral vision in the early stages and complete blindness can occur if the glaucoma is...

How Do You Treat Dry Eye Disease?

How Do You Treat Dry Eye Disease?

Dry eye is a common condition that many patients deal with, ranging from being mildly irritated to having extreme pain. It is a multifactorial malady with many possible treatments. We offer several ways to assess and treat dry eye disease in our clinic. This article...

How Does a Corneal Transplant Work?

How Does a Corneal Transplant Work?

There are many conditions that can affect the eyes. Some of these can especially impact the cornea, which is the protective clear front surface of the eye that provides most of its light-bending ability. There are many methods to diagnose and treat corneal disease,...