Can LASIK Correct Astigmatism?

Can LASIK Correct Astigmatism?

LASIK surgery has gained immense popularity as a reliable and effective solution for reducing dependence on glasses and contact lenses. While historically, astigmatism correction with refractive surgeries posed challenges, advancements in technology and techniques...
The Need For Reading Glasses After LASIK Surgery

The Need For Reading Glasses After LASIK Surgery

LASIK surgery offers a transformative solution for individuals seeking freedom from glasses and contact lenses. However, there is a common question that arises regarding the need for reading glasses after LASIK surgery. In this blog, we will explore this topic and...
Can You Get LASIK Twice?

Can You Get LASIK Twice?

After having LASIK refractive surgery, there are some instances where glasses will still be needed after the surgery. In these cases, it may be desirable to repeat the LASIK procedure a second time to “touch up” the remaining prescription. Typically, traditional LASIK...
3 Different Types of Eye Surgery

3 Different Types of Eye Surgery

There are numerous types of eye surgery, but the most common types are cornea surgeries like LASIK or a corneal transplant, cataract extraction surgery, and retinal surgery including retinal detachment repair and laser photocoagulation for leaky blood vessels. Each of...